Friday, June 01, 2007


tonght I went to my first foster parent support meetng. It happened to be a training that introduced a new program that will begin to be implimented this fall. A foster parent bioparent meeting and possibly a mentor program. This should be interesing if nothing else. It will of course only be done with the sfety of everyone involved in mind. Plus this meeting is included in my continued foster parent training hours! Bonus!

We all had to go around intrducing ourselves. I was the second one up to the plate. I stated my name and that I have been fostering for about 45 days and I have 6 boys at home. Would you believe I got a huge round of applause?!?!?! Both for being a foster mom and beng new and six boys hahaha

I met our placement coordinator. She has me on her list of 'open homes' for when the boys leave. She said do not expect much of a break unless I needed it (my opportunity to jump in if needed to say "Give me some down time").
I will keep you all up to date on future placements.

In a few weeks we will have 9 beds and 3 kids. Depending on the situation they will allow the twin trundles to be counted as beds. well wait include the toddler bed, crib and co-sleeper heck we are golden with 11 lol :P not that we would EVER fill every bed with a child.

I also enrolled for the free online foster parent training courses. I will knock out my hours before I am due to be relicensed with no problem!


Angel The Alien said...

That sounds awesome! I can't wait to become a foster parent someday!
I will probably start out with one or two children though... you sure jumped in with both feet, taking three boys as your first placement!
- AnGeL

KrazyMom said...

You deserve applause for what you do. Even though you are new to it, you are just as important o the foster parenting program as those with 10+ years in!