Saturday, June 16, 2007

Something I forgot to mention

which is ironic considering it is about memory. Liam has been tagged with the "cannot remember anything" tag. As we are driving up to the DCFS building he asked if I was dropping him off there? Was he going to see Ms K? Was he going to live somewhere else? Would he get to see his birth mom and dad because it had been a long time. After I dropped the three boys off for their visit Liam and I went to buy army men. Which are impossible to find!!!! We talked about how he wasn't going to live with the old family and how he was staying with us. He said that he hopes so because he lived at X persons home, then with grandpa, then a persons home then the last home and then us. Naming each person in order! He has more in there. There is a lot to be uncovered with this little man.
I am now Mom to him, He gives hugs freely and always wants to be a part of anything I am doing. He is attaching well

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