Monday, June 18, 2007

I wish

At times like this I wish I DID have contact with the last caregiver of my foster child! Here I am with a cute little three month old boy. But I know none of his routines. How does he like to be burped? How does he sleep? How often does he eat..... well you get the point. It is just like having a baby for the first time I guess haha
I cannot wait to see how long he will be here or what the darn situation is! I cannot imagine though what the family must go through not having the child with them. This situation is a bit different but still I was rocking this crying baby and I was wondering if the parents/relatives were thinking about him at that moment. I don't know it is hard to explain.
I may be updating a lot more if I am up all night with the baby so be ready haha

1 comment:

Angel The Alien said...

Aw, new babies are the best! Probably he does have someone thinking about him right now... and they would be glad to know that he is with someone who will love him and care for him as much as you will!
