Tuesday, June 26, 2007


tomorrow is the FTDM thingie at a hotel conference room (that made me laugh and wonder "dang how many people are coming?!?!?!"). This is the first one of these I have been through. I want them to see Baby and say "Oh look how happy he is! Awww heck just keep him" But we all know that doesn't happen. I will probably hear how the parent(s) are going to be offered x,y, and z programs to help them or that the tribe is going to get him or whatever. I know parents need a chance to make things right but there comes a point where you have to ask how many children will go through the SAME thing with these parents? UGH Things suck simple as that.

On another note Baby is now a cloth diaper baby! he is so much more comfortable. The diapers he was dropped off were at least one size too small. So I will just send the Huggies along with him when he moves to the next family.

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