Thursday, June 21, 2007


Only Moms who have had babies will understand how important poop is. Dang near an obsession!! lol
Baby pooped and almost stunk us out of the house. OH MY GOODNESS. He is lucky he is so cute because that stink was baaaaaaad. lol
He is much happier now whether it was becauce of the poop or because he is settling in I don't know.
I still haven't heard from his social worker. I have no clue what is going on with him or his case or how long he will be here, the family team decision making (FTDM) meeting when that will be, or any progress with the tribal route either.
Liam is much happier. I think the amount of kids was too much for him too. He snuggled up on the couch with me and we chatted.
he WILL be starting Kindergarten in the fall :) He may have a special ed component to it or an IEP but we will see. I am also waiting on the referral to UW for the FASD evaluation.

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