Sunday, June 10, 2007

we venture

out today..... Some bad weather and an adjustment period has caused some at home time. So today I will take Liam and a couple of the other boys out for haircuts and get some milk (I still need that cow). We will see how he does. Liam has not had any sensory issues. No over stimulation or signs of under stimulation. But I would like to expose him to other situations to test how he will do.
I have been keeping a journal of observations about Liam. I will ask his social worker if she would like a copy of it when I see her on Tuesday. Does it seem strange I am keeping a journal? haha

1 comment:

KrazyMom said...

Keeping a journal is an excellent idea! Though I don't do foster care, I keep a journal when there are issues with one of the daycare children here. It helps those who don't see it daily understand where you are coming from and if there needs to be some sort of diagnosis on anything later, it could help the doctors too! Document, document, document!(not that you have any spare time too I am sure!).

Hope your outing went well!!