Thursday, May 03, 2007

one more thing

I want to say how amazing our biosons are being. They love being big brothers and they ar e so loving. I was unsure how they would treat the foster kids and react to them. the worst I am getting is the whole not enough elbow room at the table thing haha but that is it.


Yondalla said...

My bioboys have almost always done really well two. There was one unhealthy placement, but it has mostly been a wonderful experience for us all.

We are between placements right now and Brian (almost 13) is moping about the house being too quiet.

Angel The Alien said...
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Angel The Alien said...

Your story of your three new boys is really special to me because several years ago my stepsister's three boys were taken into foster care due to extreme neglect. We had always tried to take care of the kids when possible, in fact when the oldest boy had been born he lived with my one sister for a while and she had begged my stepsister to give her custody... but my stepsister refused help from anyone. We had called DCFS on her ourselves several times. And then to be finally told years later that the three boys were being put in foster care and that my stepsister had requested that none of us get them... it was heartwrenching! Even worse was when she eventually terminated her rights. But there was one thing that has always made me feel better... the boys were put in a foster home together, from the very start, and the foster parents eventually adopted them. I got to see them one last time on the oldest's 4th birthday. He didn't even rememember me and he seemed like he had a lot of problems... but the foster parents let me feed the youngest one, and they were so nice to us even though I was afraid they thought we were White Trash On Wheels, and they were so good with the boys... and I will always be grateful to them for that. And I am grateful to YOU for being so good to THOSE three boys, who seem to be some sort of mirror image of my nephews!!!