Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I warned you I would get to this today, so here it goes.
I did not go to college. Of the many excuses...let's just say life got in the way. I stress to my children how important schooling is. THAT is their one job. Do well in school. However that means I, as a mom, have to do my part too. If it is being supportive, reminding them to do their work, setting reading time every day, going to school events, encouraging activities that they are interested in and introducing new things.
The oldest foster son is the only one in school. I got some belongings of his which included his school backpack. It was full. Full of what? Incomplete school work. Some half started some never done. FULL I am not saying a day worth of work..... weeks of work...if not months.
At school he is at the end of the first grade year. He is preforming at a beginning kindergarten level. It makes me sad it does. IF he is here the beginning of the next school year, should I ask (or can I) that he be held back a year? Well we are starting an IEP for both him and his brother so I can hope that it is enough intervention that we can help them catch up.
It frustrates AND angers me that a parent can care so little that a little kid is so far behind, not due to intellectual inability but rather lack of parental involvement


Mary said...

I don't know for sure, but whether the boys stay with you or not, I would talk to their social worker about their educational delays. At least it will be noted in their files.

Lisa said...

Not sure about your district, but in ours if they have an IEP, they won't be held back, no matter what. In his case, it sounds like he needs lots of love and support which he is finally getting. My guess would be that with some extra work over the summer, he'll be ready for second grade next year. Even if he starts a little behind, the IEP and support at home should be the boost he needs. Keep up the great work! :)