Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Mom

She knew we had these boys as fosters. She is aware of us trying to adopt....eventually (probably not these boys but still...). Tonight she was sitting n my room with my as I was getting the two babies ready for bed. Frankie came in and started talking to me. We have chats ofte about almost anything under the sun. today it was about how the oldest is not 'the dad's' "born from him (his explination) son". How he didn't know because he treats him like hs son and how someone does not have to be related to love one another. Then we started to talk about God. Pretty deep stuff for a seven year old ;) anyway my mom was about in tears when Frakie was done chattng. She said how you can hear about the kids and know they are in foster care but your whole attitude about them changes when you meet them and see how much they thirst for human contact and interaction. She worked in the jails and in dispatch like I did. She saw/heard about kids coming vrom some crappy situations. But that first meeting to seeing them thriving n a foster home. so much different. She sees how they react in a normal... though busy house. The problens they are facing in attitude, behavioral,social and speech etc. She said she cannot help to be angry with the bioparents and what they have done to these kids. She equated what she was feeling with the feelings of hate,disgust, and utter disbelief of animal abuser on Animal precibct on Animal Planet.
She just could not understand why poeple do what they do


process said...

Sometimes it helps to remember the parents as children who were much like the children you're caring for now.

Angel The Alien said...

I like Process's comment! I know a lot of adults who went through horrid situatiosn as kids and then grew up to put their own kids through similar horrid situations! Sometimes I wish I was older so I could have been a foster parent when my friends were kids, and I could have taken care of them.