Saturday, May 12, 2007

no records no dentist

BioMom....well she has her issues, obviously or her kds wouldn't be in care, but she has been less than forthcoming with the workers. She has turned over little to NONE of the information requested.
I go to take the boys to the dentist as they needed for their CHET evaluation. One problem I know next to nothing about their health history. Something that has not been provided as requested. So I could not fill out their health histories and with this dentist (one of the very few that take the state insurance) since I couldn't fill out their histories the dentist would not see them. How frustrating is that?
oh and Yes I am writing down and submitting the milage for the wasted trip to the dentist.
On another note the biomom loved her "Mother's" Day present. Maybe that can be the swift kick/incentive she needs to get her ducks in a row you know?


Liveinashoe said...

wow, they wouldn't see them?? We never get medical history. I still don't have most of bugs. I just write UNKNOWN on everything. At least you get the mileage!

Gina said...

yeah it is ludacris. How am I supposed to know? How are any foster parents and most adoptive parents spposed to know their entire history or any history??
I will be trying another dentist on Monday and letting them know everything and see if THEY will see the boys. The oldest has a cavity apparently for "about a year" that has needed to be taken care of.

Angel The Alien said...

Thats so stupid that the dentist wouldn't see them! I mean, couldn't he have at least LOOKED at their teeth, gave them a cleaning, filled any of their cavities, etc? There was once a 12-year-old boy who DIED of an abscessed tooth because his mother couldn't straighten out their Medicaid info so no dentists would see him. Dentists should, in good conscience, see ANY child who needs them!