Sunday, August 19, 2007


Well DH called me. They are back!!! but I still cannot see him until tomorrow because he has duty or as the kids say with a giggle DOODY.
He told me he let the folks at work know we were expecting. He said he liked doing it too just for the shock value. He got two comments, "Dang. how many kids DO you have again?!?!?!" and "You do know what causes that right?"haha.
To the how many kids question he answered something to the effect of "I am not sure rigt now. 7 I think?? ". He really enjoys messing with the guys at work I swear.
I did better today. I made it through school shopping at Wal-Mart!! Lots of stuff and some extras for the kids in the classes who need it.
I even took the kids to DQ for ice cream because they were so good!
I need to take a shower and clean the house some more but eh baby steps HAHAHAHA

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