Sunday, July 08, 2007

Oddities when it comes to dates......

When I met DH I thought it was funny that he has the same birthday as my brother. It was funnier when I found out I shared a birthday with his Mom and Aunt. Then outrageous when we learned our exes also shared a birthday. Hillarious when the dog I got DH also has my birthday.....Total accident honest!
Now I have had the feeling that Liam's birthday seemed very familiar. Well I figured it out. He was born on the exact due date of the baby I lost when I was 13 weeks pregnant. And Baby? Well he was born on the due date of my youngest though a different year of course ;)
Odd no?

1 comment:

Angel The Alien said...

Well, I've heard that coincedences like that are meant to show you that things are falling into place in your life! :)