Friday, July 13, 2007

Maybe it feels just too right.

So I am sitting here tonight. My oldest son is in CA visiting his biodad for the summer. DH took our 8 y/o (who will be 9 Sunday!!!) and our 5 y/o to see the new Harry Potter movie. There was no way I could have went with the two year old and infant! So DH is out doing the daddy thing with the boys. They even ate junk food for dinner :) So here I sit in my huge room I have a two year old who likes to sleep lengthwise accross the bed, Nothing like knees in the kidneys. Baby is in his co-sleeper all swaddled and contently sleeping. My three dogs are in their respectiv posts. My dog is at my bedside. The one German Shepherd is guarding the door and stairs. No one will get past him. The other shepherd? Well he is playing the roll of electric blanket on our 5 y/o bed ;)
It gives me time to reflect how darn RIGHT things feel right now. Liam is testing boundaries. I honestly think he is waiting on me to say I am tired of him and send him packing. Nope we love the little guy and his phase he is going through right now.
Baby well he lights up your world :) A smile that just warms your heart.
It all feels right. Our family seems almost dare I say, perfect! Baby is into a routine. The two year old has mellowed a bit on his terrible pass me a valium twos. The 5 and 8 y/o play A LOT together and get along really well.
Ahhhh summertime bliss.

1 comment:

Angel The Alien said...

Sounds absolutely blissful!