Wednesday, July 04, 2007

But Mom I want to!!

Liam: "it is not fair that I can't do the fireworks"
Me: "But Liam you are not old enough to use a lighter. But isn't it fun to watch them?"
Liam "then why even have a 4th of July?"
Me: "Because we are celebrating our independence as a country"
Liam: "what is independence?"
Me: "That is doing things on your own"
Liam: "oh you mean like LIGHTING FIREWORKS?!?!?!?!" as he stomps off

Yes the typical 5 year old wanting to be a big boy and do things that big boys do. My 12 y/o is not allowed to light fireworks. But of course in Liam's mind we are just being mean to him.

Tomorrow My husband has to go to DCFS and pick up 6 boxes of Liams belongings. Holy Moly! I have him doing it because to be honest not sure everything will fit in my van and heck the office is about 3 miles from his work and on his way home. Win win.
Liams counselor comes tomorrow as well.

1 comment:

Angel The Alien said...

LOL... I like that "Oh, you mean like LIGHTING FIREWORKS?" comment! For a 5-year-old he's pretty quick!