Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sibling #3

will be here Tuesday evening barring anything unusual. I am really looking forward to it and I am nervous as heck! Six boys in the house? That will be a change. Six kids. Well I have always wanted a large family. This is one way to jump in with both feet.
Cute story. Pierce is sleeping with a Pokemon blanket that Baggage got my two older boys years ago when she was in Japan. You all should have seen this little boy. He laughed and giggled because he was using "The coolest blanket ever". It is nice to see him so happy and carefree and his biggest concern is the cool blanket he is using that night :)
Talking with their social worker, she said there was a marked difference between when I was with the boys and when I left them. So it appears that the structure and clear rules I have given them is woking.
I got all the paperwork in the mail today to fill out for the boys. The same things Bio-mom left behind. I am almost done and they will be back in the mail on Monday. Really not that hard but very complete. Unfortunately I cannot answer their birth weight or the pregnancy info.
The rooms are rearranged for FS#3. DH laughed and said I was really good at playing "Bedroom Tetris" to make everyone fit where they needed to be and comfortable :)


Liveinashoe said...

I'm glad you can keep them together. I get asked info about the kid's birth stuff all the time. Even with Bug I don't know.

I didn't know you still have that blanket!! That makes me happy.

Lisa said...

Good luck! Wow, six! How fun!!! Isn't it nice to hear from caseworkers who see what you're doing with the kids? Keep up the great work! :)

Mary said...

I like that: bedroom tetris. That's what we're going to be doing in the next few days as well! Perfect name for it. Congrats on the new addition to be!

Gina said...

Thanks all!! I appreciate the support. Most think I am crazy as a loon lol. But you know that is still up for debate haha.
We may be getting 'Lance' tonight! So a little bit earlier than planned, again though we will see.