Monday, April 23, 2007


I got the qustion. are you planning on keeping the boys? My answer "i know this; I will have them as long as they need me" "No I mean adopt them" Our goal here is reunification. that is what everyone wants right. Get these boys with mom and/or dad. But would I be a bad woman to admit that I would take them as our own forever in a heartbeat. I honestly love these boys and I am becoming more attached to them and they're settling in. I know I will miss these boys with all of my heart.

I got a call from Frankies new teacher. She said she never got a card on the first day with a foster child from the foster parent. I introduced myself and that I was his foster mom and my son is there at school should he have any trouble and need help he could help. It also had all of my contact info on it and said that I would be there for whatever is needed. She went over what he tested and that he was quite behind and we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Now to find if I can sign them up for school services like speech therpy etc. Being new to this is hmmmm interesting

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