Thursday, April 26, 2007


Well the visit ran long... it went well I suppose. I left. Went in the back door dropped the little ones off saw their little brother (What a cutie pie!!) and left. I got a suitcase with their clothes and a letter for the boys and...... one for me. It was nice to be honest. To see a letter from a mom who is going through what she is going throug. It was nice. She addressed it to "Our extended family". Now I do not see us having BBQ's and all together or anything but it was touching.
It is funny in her letter it mentioned letting them draw pictures etc and I had sent them with pictures they drew for their parents. They also took well to the picture I took and sent with the boys. I hope they understand I love their boys like my own and I am treating them well.

1 comment:

Liveinashoe said...

Wow, that is great. I wish my bios acted like that. At least they seem like they are trying to make an effort.