Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I am not cut out for foster parenting. I am working with these boys and on a daily basis they are improving. Their interaction with one another, their manners, their speech everything is getting better all the time. Yet in the back of my mind I wonder how much effort I am putting into their development and trying to catch them back up and wondering if it will even last a day or two after they get home? Is all this "effort" for nothing?
I see SO much potential in these boys. I suppose if I can leave just a little impression and rub a little bit of good influence off onto them it is worth it right? Please tell me I am right?
I am hoping that things go well tomorrow. I have prepared the boys saying we are probably going to see their mom and dad. The oldest said "you mean my other ones?". But I said the probably because if mom or dad flakes I don't want them to blame them or to be mad at me for not producing them you know? But I printed out a picture I took here for biomom and biodad. I hope that is OK.
Man it sucks to be new lol


Shari said...

Fostering is a tough job but someone has to do it, is what I always say. Those boys will never forget the time they spend with you and you are making a huge difference is their lives. All you can do is love them while they are yours. Best of luck with the visits. Visits can sometimes cause changes in behaviour and usually not for the better. Just keep loving them, it sounds like you are doing a great job so far.

Searching For Simplicity said...

Everytime someone has their lives touched with love, that is going to carry with them somehow! You ARE doing the right thing.

Yondalla said...

They may go home and everything they have learned may at least seem to drift away. But you will have given them something, a map or a picture of the way life can be. It will be there and someday, if they choose to, they can pull it out and use it.

If you lead a horse to water, he will always know where that water is, or at the very least, that there is water to be found.

leslie said...

Keep going! It will be worth it! I know its tough. My grandma was a foster parent for years and she still has people looking her up saying she was the one person that saved them. You are doing good no matter what you think!