Monday, April 30, 2007


is here :) I picked him up this afternoon. He is mostly potty trained (YEAH!!!) He is closer to three than two, the same size as my just two year old. He seems so darn happy to be with his brothers. Mini-man looked at Lance when he was in his bed and looked at me with that questioning what the heck pose and said "Mama mo ya-ya?" Which is miniman speak for "Mom MORE brothers??"
So I have my little one on my lap now snoring. Which is no litle feat for a big two year old haha. Lance and Pierce are happy as can be to be together again and also sharing a room. Miniman would normally be in there too but he has not felt well today.
Tomorrow DH is picking up a stroller for me I got on Craigslist. double stroller. I figure that you know, I will need it one way or another.
That is it for now. I am putting a load of diapers in the wash and going to sleep. I start tomorrow off as the mom of SIX boys!

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