Saturday, September 15, 2007

We have become one of THEM

No no body snatchers references or anything. Have you ever watched the shows on the Duggars? Or those other large families with 7+ kids. You know how they say after church they will come out to their car and there will be bags of clothes left there or they come home and there are clothes on the doorstep? yeah well that has been us. Hahaha We come home today to a large bag of clother with the name of our 9 y/o and 5y/o on it :) I think it is sweet. They know the kids are well dressed but they know some more would not hurt ;)


Kerry said...

We get so many hand me downs that it can be overwhelming at times, but boy do I LOVE it. As soon as everything gets washed and sorted it feels good. In fact, one of the foster kids commented last night about the safety she feels knowing we have so many clothes in storage (and food too, of course!)

I don't really understand people who are offended by hand me downs. I say, "keep em coming!"


Kerry said...

Oh, and last night at an open house one of the teachers introduced us as (and no, I"m not joking) "That family with ALL those kids!" I said, "Yes, we are the Duggars of *Our-town*"