Wednesday, September 05, 2007

If you don't live it...

You never really know.

You sit there and judge me from the snippets of my life that you see.
My child is out of hand?
A good spanking would help him? I will have to let the mental health community know that both bi-polar and Aspergers can be cured by an "ass whoppin'".
And yeah I hate to tell you, no that "type of child" is not what we "get" from the system. Sorry to kill your theory but he is my biological child. Luck of the draw buddy. He was BORN this way with no wrong doing of my own. I didn't drink or do drugs. The way things worked. My son was born with some problems.
To all of you who think that the genetic tests can prevent you from having a "messed up child". Think again. You never know.
You have no idea how many nights I have spent crying in desperation. how many times I thought "what else can I do? what did I do wrong?". I have never given up. I have never tried to place blame elsewhere. NOT even on my son. He did not chose to be this way. I know he would give anything to be accepted by his peers. To fit in, to not be the outcast. But that will never happen. Our best outcome... is he can function at a close to normal level. THAT is OK with me. I love my son I love how creative he is. I love that he can pick up most any musical instrment and teach himself to play. He is a writer and an artist. I know his love of thos things will take him far in life.
With that being said...having been through this and living through this for years that I have more tolerance and understanding for people who have troubled kids. I just wish others would take a broader look before passing judgement.


KrazyMom said...

You are right on the money! People are so quick to judge anymore and make their little assumptions without knowing the facts. If only they could walk a day in your shoes! Hang in there!

Angel The Alien said...

People are rude to say that kind of thing! To think that they have the RIGHT to say that kind of thing to you!
I have lived with severe ADHD, depression, anxiety, and social problems since I was a small child, and as an adult it has occurred to me that there are some people who would have used "genetic testing" to avoid having a kid like me. For that matter, if I had been adopted, there are people who would have been disappointed to realize the baby they adopred turned out to be a kid like me! That makes me so sad... EVERY vhild deserves to be loved, and understood, and appreciated, by his parents.
I think you are doing a wonderful job with yours!