Monday, September 24, 2007

The phone call

Well the phone call with... ummm I have yet to think of a nickname for him yet! Well it went well. We chatted about video games and food typical pre-teen boy stuff. I was laughing so hard. My son piped up and said "tell him we have a lot of food!" He says "Well you don't have to worry about that I can take care of that. I love to eat!" lol
After the convo I had to leave to get #1 son from his appointment. The SW called in the time I was gone. I just got back to her. She told me she was impressed. I asked about what. Apparently this little guy has never laughed like he did today with me on the phone! He was laughing we were talking etc. I had fun. Anyway he told the SW he is looking forward to the move and living here.
I guess we sound 'cool' LMAO
So again DH is out...he will come home to another kid!!
He knew about him before he left though. I am excited! Wow. While he isn't a teen, he was an older kid who was harder to place. So I guess my desire to adopt a teen is pretty much fufilled. :) I think we were meant to stay in foster care for this guy. My tune may change... but we will see. It feels like a good fit and I have no reservations.
Oh the SW said that she hopes things work out since they are going through TPR right now and hopes we will want to adopt him :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, how exciting for you!!! A house full of boys! :) Love it!