Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lord help me

but I am actually VERY close to giving up on this kid. I do not want to but I just do not have it in me much more. I have NEVER met a child like this. He is downright mean and obstinate. Everyone here has chores to do. Member of the household? You participate in chores. He has kitchen counters. You tell him to do them he will scowl and not move, not talk and not respond. He does this in class too. He will refuse to do anything the teacher asks and just not respond. Like he has given up on himself. I know if I give up on him I will just add to that feeling for him. None of his family wants him that sounds so bad.... what I mean is they have all given up. I would just be one more. He screams at me. Is mean to the other kids. Threatens to leave on a daily basis.
My husband is due home soon and he will be around for awhile. I should wait right? wait to see if DH's influence will make a difference?
I hate this. I HATE being the bad guy. Treating him like a two year old and guiding him through- guiding his hand step by step on cleaning the counters.
He is so hard to deal with. It has been only two months. Should I give it longer? I know that in a few months I will have a newborn and be recovering from a c-section. I will not be able to stay as on top of him as I am right now.
WHAT DO I DO? Any suggestions from folks who have been there? If my doctors appointment on Tuesday shows my blood pressure to be rising the decision will be made by my doctor unfortunately

Let me add too, I know counseling. But When you take him in and he only does the scowl and no speaking thing it is never going to help him.

1 comment:

leslie said...

I'm sorry! This is such bad timing. I have not personally read the book 'Love and Logic' but I have a couple of friends that have. One being a foster parent of a RAD (reactive attachment disorder) and one with just an ostinate little girl. Both have said that it is a REALLY good. I plan on getting it for my kids. There is one for toddlers, tweens, and teens. I guess this book gives you the control with out getting angry. Which if I'm right makes your children feel like they have control when you get angry. (Per what the book says...) Good luck!