Monday, November 19, 2007

I have said he has to go

Well a placement that sounded perfect turned out to be FAR from it.
He is getting in the other kids faces trying to start fights because "Then I can move I will have a reason" He is threatening them, I am done. He is becoming more comfrontational and more of a danger IMO. I am suspecting RAD? I don't know. All I know is it is something I cannot handle period. The stress is making me sick and the kids are very unhappy. I hate to say it so am I.
I feel like I am giving up on him.
The thing I think he doesn't realize. He cannot simply skate by and not do schoolwork, homework and chores which is where all of his rage comes from. I tried to break things down spread them out for him so he will not be overwhelmed (though he has ONE chore here, moreso school work and homework he DOES understand it he is capable but he just doesn't want to). He doesn't do anything.
I have tried reasoning, humor, schedule nothing is working. I cannot do this though. I just can't
So now explain why do I feel like a failure anyway?
I am truly done with the foster care thing. Now for this adoption to get finalized!! UGH

1 comment:

leslie said...

I'm sure you made the right decision for you and your family. I know it is hard when it comes to this, but you have to think of the well being of your family too. I don't think you are a failure because you have to think of th rest of your family. It is sad when one person can't be helped, but you are helping the rest of your family and that is also very important. Not to mention you need to keep your stress level down too!