Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The good, the bad and the stinky

The good....
Bill is fitting in well. I still have to remind him that the younger kids deserve repect too even if they interrupt the video game you are playing/friend you are talking to etc. But the kid cracks me up, every night he tells me how great my cooking is. Tonight I looked at him and said In a total sarcastic way "You are just saying that because you want to stay huh?" He smiled and said "oh yeah!! Are we having dessert too???" and then he cracked up.

The bad.....
Liams adoption will not be finalized in Nov. his worker is not going to be ready by that point. Le Sigh. So we will have to wait. I am upset.

The stinky....
One teen(ish) boy was bad. now that there are two OMG!!! Farting is a competition! LOL

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