Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sad and peeved

First of all I put in the 'no I am not just fat I am pregnant' notice to Bears social worker(though I am ALL belly it is hard to miss). NOT that I wanted Bear to move. I really don't Though I will be honest the thought of a one year old and a newborn...scares the TAR out of me! But I let her know because when bitty baby G arrives, we will oficially, yet again, be over the state limit and be at 7 children. I have to let them know these things :( Anyway it turns out the family member who they have been talking about getting licensed to take Bear (for the last 6 months!) Has finally stepped forward now that it is looking like reunification may not be happening. So Bear may be moving onto a realative placement. It SUCKS on the one hand because he is part of our family and we have had him here since he was 3 months old. But if he has to go anywhere else, with family would be my choice.

I am a bit peeved. Yesterday afternoon Mav had a child health screener stop by andask some questions. Simple stuff for the standard reports. She wraps it up by asking if he was goint to/wanted to see his mom. No biggie right?? Yeah well first Mav asks "Which one? My bio or one of my two old adoptive moms?" The lady asks which do you want to see? Mav gets his hopes up you can hear it. He said "Yeah I would love to see my last adoptive mom and my bio mom...but the court order" That is right folks screener lady spoke out of turn and "offered" a visit that she had no right to with no real knowledge of the case(s). It is a wonder this on top of other people failing him the kid has NO faith in the foster care system!!This was after when she was here (She got here 15 minutes EARLY I had no warning time for Mav) he came home from school and the first words from her mouth are "we need to talk". The get starts to look ill, sits down while wringing his hands and says "You all are moving me again??!?!?!?!" She THEN introduces herself and with some conversational prompting by me Mav gets assured she is not here to take him nor does she have say to move him. UGH Like he needs this??

1 comment:

Angel The Alien said...

HOw aggravating and nervewrecking for Mav! And how sad that he's already had two adoptive placements go wrong... what is the court order all about? Its crazy that kids go through all that and then people wonder why the kids have "issues"!