Friday, October 27, 2006


Family has actualy really surprised me through this whoel adoption process. We let our family know (our Moms). My Mother in law, whom I love DEARLY (as rare as that is)was very excited that we were adopting. My Mom who I expected to hem and haw about it was also very supportive!
I was talking on the phone with my MIL yesterday and our adoption process came up. She was saying how it breaks herheart when siblings are broken up. When I told her we were looking into a sibling group she actually cheered! She thinks it is great. And here one comment?? "Woohoo I am going to have a lot of grandkids!" She also told me that she had wanted to adopt when she and FIL were married and her two kids were young. She lost one child in between my SIL and DH. She had a VERY rough time having DH and we are lucky he is alive. The reason she didn't adopt? FIL. He didn't want to raise "kids that weren't his own". So she gave up on it.
She also told me a story about when dh was little. He knew of a family who came under hard times. He went home and asked his Mom if they could get a basket of food/Thanksgiving dinner for them. They ended up getting the whole thing together and dh took it over to the family. He was as giving as he is now back then :)

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