Friday, January 11, 2008

Did I mention??

That our 6 year olds biomom had another child in November. A little girl. I was hoping that she ould have her stuff together and keep it that way. Nope she is now in jail again (in another state). The baby girl is now with her grandmother. BUT I mentioned to her dad (who we also adopted and he is near us) that if things go the same way as the 6y/o that we would be open to taking in the little girl too. I also contacted the 6 y/o's adoption worker. I HOPE it doesn't come to this girl ending up in the system and it being dragged out for entirely too long.
People, I will never understand them and the way they think

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow. That's unfortunately how it usually works. I'm just waiting for a phone call that one of the moms of my two little ones are expecting or had a baby. My family will probably continue to grow in that way alone, it doesn't make sense. Prayers for you and the little girl caught in the middle of it all.