Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I should know better

I should know I shouln't have too much faith in habitual addicts (wait is that redundant?). Bears Birth mom relapsed within a week of graduating treatment. I was so damn proud of her. I thought of the two that SHE would be the one to remain on the straight and narrow. I assumed the birth dad would be the one to drop out of Bears life. He was screaming about relinquishing the first family team meeting, he missed months of visitation in the beginning. Now look at him he is doing AWESOME. Clean for almost a year now. Doing right, visiting his son etc. I can tell though he is SCARED to get his son back. I pray he doesn't sabbotage his efforts to get his son back.

1 comment:

Angel The Alien said...

Maybe it was his addiction that made Bear's dad act so irrationally in the beginning, and now that he has a year of sobriety under his feet he is able to act more like a parent. I have two brothers who are drug addicts so I know they can be unpredictable... just when you think they're doing great, they screw up again... but it sounds like Bear's dad is committed to getting better! I hope he is, at least, able to remain a part of Bear's life forever, even if he doesn't get custody of Bear!