Friday, August 24, 2007

Dang did I miss the snowstorm??

Here I am waiting on a package to be delivered. It was due to arrive today. I check the tracking online and get this message "ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS CAUSED THIS DELAY " WHAAAAAA?!?!?!?! It is 70 degrees and not a cloud in sight. Hmm maybe that is the problem the weater is too good they cannot be bothered to work today!!


Anotheramy said...

There have been some pretty big storms. Chicago got hit yesterday 300,000 without power. Flooding, possible tornados. This is added to weather thats been happening in MN, Ohio, and Texas... in the last week.

Gina said...

I should have added the weather delay was in the next town over ;)

It made it all the way here.....